Rooting simply means that you are breaking the restrictions to avail the latest features which a normal device is not getting for that time being  anfd having a full access to it for eg increasing internal storage ,using apps which a normal user can not use etc.

Mobile phone comapnies such as Samsung ,  LG,Huawei etc put a lot of restrictions on the devices they manufacture  but for safety and security purposes.

So after rooting - your device become a rooted device and you become a super user 
But you have to understand that rooting is not always beneficial as you are going to compromise with the security of your device



  • Custom ROM’s – You may have heard or seen your friends loading custom "ROM’s”  on their mobile phones. What are custom ROM’s
                                           IMAGE SOURCE

  • Custom Themes – Themes are the desgin graphics that appear on your device which gives your mobile phones a dynamic look. Rooting slow your device to fully customize every graphic on your device .

  • Removes Bloatware -  My favourite thing I like to do after rooting my device -  removing bloatwares and increase my battery backup and also the whole perfomance of mobile phone.
                                            Image Source

  • Android Versions – This is also done through custom ROM’s . Custom ROM’s allow you to upgrade the version of your android even before they are officially released.This feature is great for people who want to stay on top of latest softwares updates ,you might be one of them

  • Use more apps – There are some apps on playstore which are only meant for rooted device ,so after rooting your device you can also take full advantage of those devices.


           for example earlier we were not able to record the screen of our mobile phones ,so in order to do that we had to root our devices ,but today we can easily install apps for  recording devices.


  • Bricking and warranty issues – Bricking means that your device no longer because what you have done to it,you have screwed your phone and it no longer works.It becomes useless ,you can touch it see it but can not use it ( just imagine this situation!!!).
                                                 Image Source

 The warranty no longer stays  ,companies like xiomi still may support the warranty but the big comapnies like Samsung , LG will void the warranty.

  • Security -  After rooting your device , the security gets compromised . You would not get any updates related to security and updation and also there is an increased risk of installing mallicious  software unknowingly.

Read the above information ? . So the next big question coming to your mind would be


Well, I have clearly mentioned all the advantages and disadvantages of rooting your device . So now it is upto you and your requirements whether you want to root your device or  not.

Google and mobile manufacturers always come up with some additional features in their android devices ,so I think you should not rood the devices beacuse as technology grows the additionals features may come to us free of cost and without the need for root.
but even if knowing all this you wish to root your device to get the new features than you may root your device..!

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